The Gilders’ Studio is a world-renowned company specializing in architectural gilding and decorative finishes, which can be applied to virtually any surface, domes, sculpture and other decorative elements. Our award-winning projects have been featured in local, national and international publications. We are experts in interior and exterior gilding restoration and conservation using genuine gold leaf from 12 KT White Gold leaf to 24KT gold leaf, made to our specifications. We also use aluminum leaf, silver leaf, copper leaf and imitation gold leaf for architectural elements, furniture, reverse glass gilding and much more.
Our gilding restoration and conservation expertise ranges from conservation of monumental gilded and painted sculpture to development of unique gilding and coating systems, tailored for some of the most challenging environments on the planet.
The Gilder’s Studio is comprised of a core group of highly skilled artisans and professionals with widely divergent backgrounds and training, many of whom have worked with us for more than 25 years.