During the course of our work, we sometimes need to determine the mode of failure for the system we are investigating. Combined with this is the necessity of developing the best approach for coating (or re-coating) the diverse surfaces we are presented with.
Our investigation can include microscopy, solvent testing, hydraulic adhesion tests and accelerated weathering protocols to ASTM standards to determine the most efficacious approach to a particular project.

We are frequently called upon to consult on projects with diverse finishes and suppliers. At Barneys New York on Madison Avenue, we were commissioned to produce control samples and specifications of over 30 singular gilded finishes, which went out to 11 different fabricators across the country. The Gilder’s Studio has been retained by several state and local governments to inspect and produce reports on their domes and interiors as well as devising accelerated testing protocols for gilded sculpture and ornament which failed prematurely.

We have worked on some of the most challenging gilding projects in the US and overseas. Whether it is researching new methods and materials to gild on non-traditional substrates or conservation of priceless sculpture and objects, The Gilders’ Studio approaches each project professionally and with the highest standards. This shows in our exhaustive testing, meticulous preparation and flawless installation.

Gilding has a reputation for longevity in exterior and interior applications. No other finish provides the enduring beauty of genuine gold leaf. For interior applications, we provide an overwhelming selection of metal leaf and toned finishes.
Our standard genuine gold leaf color chart with 12 different actual alloys is available for $50 plus shipping. Also, we are happy to produce larger custom samples for your next project. 12” x 12” samples (@300mm square) start at $75.00 each for Imitation Gold Leaf, Copper and Aluminum.